Welcome Retirees!

This site is dedicated to the retired employees of: The Gas Service Company; KPL Gas Service; Missouri Gas Energy & Spire.

If you have questions about benefits, you can contact Spire Corp in St.

Louis, Missouri

Melisa Narez: (314) 342-0608 Stacy Wegmann: (314) 342-0739 They can help with MGE and Westar Energy

Do you have News that would be of interest? If so, please send your news

to info@retiredgsc.org.

Gas Service/MGE

Retirees’ Association

of Missouri

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Gas Service/ MGE Retirees’ Association of Missouri
© Copyright, 2022, Gas Service/MGE Retirees’ Association of Missouri
Email Us
© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor eu eiusmod lorem
This site is dedicated to the retired employees of: The Gas Service Company; KPL Gas Service; Missouri Gas Energy & Spire.

If you have questions about benefits, you can

contact Spire Corp in St. Louis, Missouri

Melisa Narez: (314) 342-0608 Stacy Wegmann: (314) 342-0739 They can help with MGE and Westar Energy

Do you have News that would be of interest?

If so, please send your news to


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